Local Backup Vs. Cloud Backup

May 12, 2022

Local Backup Vs. Cloud Backup

Having a backup plan is essential. You never know when your computer might crash, or your smartphone might get stolen or damaged. And, losing your important files, photos, and documents can be a nightmare. That's why backup solutions are important. With technological advancement, we now have two popular backup solutions, Local Backup and Cloud Backup. In this blog post, we'll compare both storage options and help you make an informed decision.

Local Backup

Local Backup is a traditional form of backup where users create a copy of their files on a physical external hard drive or a USB drive. The external drive is connected to the computer, and users can select what to backup using backup software or manually.

Advantages of Local Backup

1. No monthly fees

One of the most significant benefits of Local Backup is that there are no monthly fees. Once you purchase an external hard drive or USB drive, you own it forever. This makes it a cost-effective and budget-friendly solution.

2. No internet connection required

Local Backup can be done without an internet connection. This is particularly useful if you live in an area with slow or unreliable internet or have limited access to the internet.

3. Faster recovery

A local backup provides faster recovery in case of data loss since you can restore files directly from a physical drive instead of downloading them online.

Disadvantages of Local Backup

1. Prone to onsite disasters

Local backups can be lost or damaged due to on-site disasters such as fire, theft, or flooding, making them less reliable than cloud backups.

2. Space limitation

External hard drives and USBs are limited in storage capacity. You'll have to regularly replace them with bigger ones or physically transport them to another location to store files.

Cloud Backup

Cloud Backup is a modern backup solution that involves storing files on remote servers managed by a cloud storage provider.

Advantages of Cloud Backup

1. Remote access

One of the most significant benefits of Cloud Backup is that you can access your files from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient for users with multiple devices or for those frequently on the go.

2. Automatic Backup

Cloud Backup solutions often come with automatic backup features that regularly backup your files, so you don't have to do it manually.

3. Offsite backup

Cloud backup is much safer than Local Backup since it provides offsite backup capabilities. This means that even if you encounter on-site disasters, your files are safe and accessible from another location.

Disadvantages of Cloud Backup

1. Monthly fees

Cloud Backup solutions come with monthly fees, which can cost more over time than purchasing external hard drives for Local Backup.

2. Internet connection required

Cloud Backup requires an internet connection, so it's not ideal for areas with poor or limited internet connectivity.

3. Recovery time

Recovering files from cloud backup can be slower than Local Backup, depending on the internet speed and file size.


Both Local Backup and Cloud Backup have their advantages and disadvantages. Local Backup is a cost-effective option with faster recovery time and no reliance on the internet. In contrast, Cloud Backup provides offsite backup, automatic backup, remote access, and unlimited storage capacity. However, it has monthly fees and takes longer to recover files. The decision between Local and Cloud Backup depends on your needs, budget, and priorities.

Hopefully, this blog post has provided you with the information you need to make the right decision for your backup needs.


  1. The Pros and Cons of Cloud Vs. Local Backup
  2. Cloud vs. Local Backup: Which is Right for Your Business?
  3. Cloud Backup vs Physical Backup: Pros and Cons

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